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The Pelham Medical Services provides comprehensive medical services to address the needs of college students. There are no office visit charges for medical, mental health and wellness appointments. Our doctors, family nurse practitioners and registered nurses provide routine health and wellness care such as sports and travel physicals; general check-ups; clearance exams for volunteer work or internships; reproductive and sexual health exams; contraception; and related health education. We also provide problem-oriented care for sickness and injuries. Students with specific health needs may be referred to local specialists on an as-needed basis.

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Schacht Center for Health and Wellness interior

Our Mission

The Medical Service provides essential medical services to the Smith College community in a manner that safely and age-appropriately meets the healthcare needs of students, and partners with the counseling, psychiatry, and wellness departments to provide integrated and holistic care. All policy and provision of care will be consistent with guiding principles that promote quality, safety, and equity.

The Schacht Center’s Guiding Principles

  • Physical and psychological safety is a critical component of healthcare provision by fostering the development of a trusting therapeutic relationship in which healthcare takes place
  • Operational policy reflects industry best-practice standards
  • Clinical care policy reflects industry best-practice standards
  • Clinical care provision is evidence based
  • Patient safety is consistent with the ethic of do no harm
  • Safety of Schacht Center building and personnel
  • Safety of community

  • Duty to care for students to whom we grant admission
  • Duty to do no harm
  • Promote environmental sustainability through thoughtful selection and use of resources
  • Reduce burden on the local healthcare system and greater community resources

  • All students deserve and shall have access to quality care, regardless of residential status, insurance coverage and demographic factors such as age, race, ethnicity, gender and socio-economic class.
  • All patients are treated with dignity and respect.

  • The Medical Service at Smith College is composed of credentialed, licensed medical, nursing and allied health professionals with expertise in student well-being, student health and first-time care seeking behaviors.
  • The Medical Service at Smith College oversees healthcare services to our students and community.

Our Services

Medical Appointments

Office visits are free of charge, while any labwork or diagnostic testing done outside of the Schacht Center may be billed to insurance and students will be responsible for any charges not covered by insurance. Please see the Fees section for additional information. Please call 413-585-2800 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are discouraged.

Available Medical Services

  • Pre-participation physicals for athletics
  • Follow-up care after injuries
  • Health-related physicals and forms
  • Medications and refills
  • Lab Services provided by LabCorp
  • Nursing advice available 24/7
  • Assistance with community based referrals, including dental and vision
  • Collaboration with campus community partners

The Schacht Center for Health and Wellness offers gender affirming care to students across the gender spectrum. We use an informed consent model to initiate and/or continue hormone therapy and offer continuity of care during your time at Smith. Our practice includes comprehensive primary care including but not limited to: counseling, wellness and psychiatric services, injection teaching with registered nurses, laboratory monitoring, access to sharps containers and a binder library, as well as letters and referrals for gender affirming surgeries, vocal therapy, name changes and specialized services. The Schacht Center sees students of all genders and identities for routine and urgent medical and mental health care, including support groups and counseling therapy. We know that life can be more challenging when you’re LGBTQIA+. We are here in solidarity and support of all students.

What should I expect at my first medical gender affirming care appointment?

Your visit will be scheduled for an initial consultation with a medical provider at the Schacht Center. Your first appointment will focus on your provider getting to know you, your gender experience, and your gender affirmation goals. Care is taken to ensure that your gendering affirming care plan is medically safe for you by reviewing your personal and family medical history. Medications will not necessarily be prescribed at your first visit. We are here to work with you and meet your needs.

What follow-up will I receive?

If you choose to take hormones, you will be expected to maintain regular follow up appointments with your medical provider. You should expect to have laboratory monitoring to ensure that your hormone treatment is safe. Medication and laboratory costs are subject to your specific insurance coverage. We work with students on all healthcare plans, and recommend you speak directly with your individual health care plan.

How do I schedule an appointment?

Appointments are scheduled by calling 413-585-2800 during office hours. When you speak with a staff member, please request a gender affirming medical appointment.

How do I change my name at Smith?

Students may change their first name at Smith College (including Moodle, email, etc.) without changing their name legally. To request a transcript with a chosen name, one must change their name legally and update and submit the request to the Office of the Registrar.

On-Campus Resources:

Local LGBTQIA+ Resources:

Queer and Gender Nonconforming Healthcare (uses informed consent model):

  • Transhealth Northampton
       Florence MA (413) 341-9400
  • Emily Lash, MD; Miranda Balkin, MD; Katherine A. Jarrell, MD
       Oxbow Primary Care
       15 Atwood Drive, Suite 201, Northampton, MA 01060
       (413) 586-9313
       *On the PVTA Bus Route: BUS B48
  • Chalice Santorelli, MSN, FNP
       Northampton Family Medicine
       22 Atwood Drive, Northampton, MA 01060
       (413) 584-2178
       *On the PVTA Bus Route: BUS B48
  • Planned Parenthood
       3550 Main Street, Suite 201, Springfield, MA 01107
       (800) 258-4448
  • Baystate Transgender/Adult Clinic
       140 High Street C Level, Springfield, MA 01105
       (413) 794-2511
  • National Center for Transgender Equality
  • Fenway Health
  • UCSF Transgender Care

Some reasons for visits may include (but are not limited to):

  • sore throat
  • cough fever
  • headaches
  • fatigue
  • abdominal pain
  • chest pain
  • back pain
  • strains/sprains
  • asthma
  • vomiting/diarrhea
  • sexually transmitted infection screening/concerns
  • HIV testing
  • cuts/lacerations
  • urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • eye infection
  • acne/rash/dermatology
  • gynecology: vaginal infection, menstrual problems, pregnancy testing
  • anxiety/stress
  • depression
  • prescription refills
  • referrals to specialists any health related concerns

  • Birth control prescriptions; removal of most IUDs and birth control implants
  • Referrals for birth control implants and IUD placement
  • STI Screening and treatment
  • Preventive care and pap smears
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Emergency contraception
  • Referrals for other OBGYN needs

More information on Reproductive Health Care at Smith

Smith Videos:

Confidential HIV and STI testing is available at Medical Services during regular clinic hours by appointment.

The CDC provides comprehensive information about travel health.

  • Travel physicals
  • Travel vaccines (billed through insurance; see fees section for cost). Your insurance may require that travel related vaccines be provided at a special travel clinic. Most travel-related vaccines can be provided locally at CVS Minute Clinic, 366 King Street, Northampton (413-586-8315). The CDC provides comprehensive information about travel health.

Vaccines are available by appointment. Students with private insurance should contact their insurance FIRST regarding coverage. The Smith College Student Health Insurance plan covers the cost of most vaccines.

Vaccinations offered at Health Services include (but are not limited to):

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • HPV 9 (Gardasil 9)
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Meningitis (MACWY or MCV4)
  • Meningitis B (Bexsero)
  • Meningitis B (Trumenba)
  • MMR
  • Polio (IPV)
  • Rabies
  • TD
  • TDAP
  • Typhoid
  • Varicella
  • Yellow Fever (call for availability)

Group acupuncture sessions are offered to students free of charge. Current students may sign up for an appointment; initial visits are one hour long, and follow-up visits are 45 minutes.

We are pleased to offer laboratory services through LabCorp Reference Laboratory Services. Students or employees can call 413-585-2800 during business hours to schedule an appointment. A copy of the physician orders (or electronic orders submitted to LabCorp) will be needed for any labs ordered by providers outside of the Schacht Center. 

Students with private insurance should contact their insurance company with any questions about coverage. LabCorp will submit claims directly to the student’s insurance company. Laboratory services at the Schacht Center may not be fully covered by private insurance. Deductibles and out-of-network fees may apply.

Students with the Student Health Insurance Plan should be aware that an annual deductible fee applies to any laboratory service.

For additional questions regarding coverage and fees for students with the Student Health Insurance Plan, please go to

The Schacht Center does not offer allergy immunotherapy treatment, including injection or sublingual therapy, commonly referred to as allergy shots. Students requiring this level of allergy treatment are referred to local allergy practices.

Nutritionist consultations are offered to students free of charge. A provider referral from the Schacht Center is required. Please call the Schacht Center to make an appointment with a Schacht Center provider if you are interested in meeting with a nutritionist.

Referrals to Off-Campus Providers

If you wish to see an off-campus health care provider, you may request a referral. Schacht Center staff can provide local recommendations or referrals for acupuncture, allergy testing, chiropractors, physical therapy or other medical specialists. There are many dental and vision care providers in the community.

Students with Smith College Health Insurance should note the following stipulations in using their insurance.

College Insurance for Off-Campus Care for Medical Care (Physical)

There is a co-payment for in-network medical office visits. Tests, labs, x-rays are subject to the annual deductible fee.

College Insurance for Off-Campus Care for Psychotherapy or Psychiatric Services

The Smith College Health Insurance Plan covers psychotherapeutic and psychiatric services; there is no co-pay for in-network providers. We encourage you to consult with us to help you find the right provider  for your situation, since we are very familiar with the providers in the Northampton area. Referrals are not needed for off-campus mental health care (therapists or psychiatrists).

For students with private insurance: It is your responsibility to determine whether a referral is needed or an off-campus visit will be covered.

Contact Pelham Medical Services

Schacht Center for Health and Wellness

21 Belmont Avenue

Smith College

Northampton, MA 01063

Phone: 413-585-2800

Office Hours

9 a.m.–noon, 1–4:30 p.m., 


Medical Appointments & General Information


After-hours Answering Service & Nurse Advice

413-585-2800 (Option 1)

Nurses Station


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